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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Bionicle MOC: Zorrix

Here is Zorix. The second being who merged together to create Garzor. He is a very intelligent bein who worked on creating many different kinds of weapons and armor. He enjoys developing many types of weapons, in hopes that many will use them. 

Character Information:
Species: Unknown
Group: Unknown
Colors: Black, Silver, Gunmetal Grey
Homeland: Unknown
Abilities/Powers: Very Intelligent, Weapons and Armor Designer
Status: Alive, Part of Garzor
Location: Unknown

Link to Video Review:

Monday, December 24, 2012

Hero Factory MOC, Drack

This is Drack, the Villain who discovered Sheer Conspiring with Aleck.
Drack is from the Searchers faction of Villains. He is very strong, and is very loyal to the Villain Leaders. His armor is about a medium size, created out of very strong alloys. His weapon is a slightly modified Basic Searcher Rifle that was modified to be able to have a higher rate of fire. 
He is also the Villain who was commanded to take Sheer out of Makuhero City. When they arrived in the outskirts of Makuhero City, he told Sheer to run away, so no one would see her. It even seemed as if he put emotion into it whenever he told her to do so.

For more info, come check out the review right below!

Bionicle MOC Review Garrix

This is Garrix. He is one of the beings who merged together to create the giant monstrous being, Garzor. He is very intelligent, and creates armor and weapons of all kinds. He's not much of the fighting type, but can be aggressive if attacked. 

Character Information:
Species: Unknown
Group: Unknown
Colors: Dark Green, Silver, Gun Metal Grey
Homeland: Unknown
Abilities/Powers: Very Intelligent, Very Strategic, Weapon and Armor Creator 
Status: Alive, Part of Garzor
Location:   Unknown

Link to Video Review:

Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Good Traitor, Part 3

The Good Traitor (Part Three)
            It was getting late, and Sheer still needed to find a place to stay.
            That was her thought while she was walking through a once magnificent city, which is now nothing less than a wasteland. A City now controlled by the Villain Leaders.
             Then, she heard a noise. She started looking around to find the source of the sound. Was it what she thought it was?
            She saw nothing.
            So, she continued, keeping a watchful eye around her. Then she saw something out of the corner of her eye. A figure. A Stray. It was Aleck, the one whom she was seen with and was banished for talking to. He was short, red and seemed to have put together a piece of armor, and attached it to his arm. He also had a flame shaped blade. His helmet also had a bit of a flame shape to it as well.
            “I was wondering if you were going to show up,” Aleck exclaimed. “What took you so long?”
            “Well… I was seen by one of my partners speaking with you, so I was brought to the Castle where I met with the Black Phantom, and was banished for talking to you. They also agreed that if I was seen by any other Villains that are under their control, they are allowed to destroy me in any way they see fit,” Sheer explained.
            “No…,” Aleck mumbled, stunned, lowering his head.
            “I didn’t even know they had found out until I was brought before the Villain Leaders.”
            “Man, how did this happen?”
            “I don’t know. But, I do have some good news, but we should go somewhere safe, where no one will hear us,” Sheer said.
            “There are no ‘safe’ places around here anymore,” Aleck replied.
            “Safe-er, then?”
            “Well, there’s a place--“
            “Then let’s go,” Sheer said quickly.   
            They moved farther away from the City, into a building that looked like a large home, and stepped inside. The exterior of the building was a dark shade of grey, with scorch marks on the side. It was most likely from an attack during the Breakout. Then, inside, and to the left, they walked over to a hatch that isn’t noticeable at first glance. Mainly because Aleck had covered most of it with a piece of a broken wall.  Aleck walked over to the hatch door, opened it, and motioned for Sheer to go inside first. He then looked around cautiously, closed the hatch door, and locked it, sealing them form the ever present dangers of the outdoors.
            “So, what is the good news?” Aleck asked, while descending from the stairs that led down to the hidden place. The underground room was a little larger than Sheer expected. It was dark, beside some small lights that were hanging on the walls. From what Sheer could see in the darkened room, there was a shelf that held supplies, a bed on the opposite wall, a mat at the end of the stair way, a small desk, and a couple chairs. Most of which must have been salvaged from wreckage from the building above ground.
            As Aleck descended down the last few steps of the stairway, he flipped a switch on the stairway wall, and four large florescent lights lit up on the ceiling.  Now Sheer could see everything much more clarity.
            “I think I may be able to help you save your family,” Sheer then said, after quickly observing the area.
            “H-how? The City is swarming with Searchers, City Guards, and even Hunters!”
            “But remember, I have inside knowledge of the system. I know just about everything they know, if not more. But, it may take some time to figure out the Guard’s patrolling schedules. If we can figure that out, it will help with the rest of my plan.”
            “Well, I do have somewhat of an idea of what their rounds are. The times seem to be pretty consistent. This should help, I suppose?”
            “Yes, it may be one of the most important factors. Like I said, once we know those, it should help out a lot.”
            “Okay, but I suggest we start tomorrow, they may be starting their evening rounds.”
            A moment passed.
“So, tomorrow?”
            “Okay. So, do you have enough supplies for both of us tonight?”
            “Well, I guess so. I wasn’t really ready for another person to stay with me, but I suppose I do have enough for both of us.”
            “Alright, great. I will help you find some more places to get supplies tomorrow.”
            It was quiet for a little while. Aleck was the first to speak, mainly to put an end to the silence.
            “What exactly is your plan?” Aleck asked.
            “Like I said, once we know what time those Villains do their rounds, then we will figure out what to do,” Sheer replied.
            “Okay, I really hope you know what you’re doing.”
            “Believe me; I know what I’m doing.”
            “Alright, I trust you do.”
            “We should probably discuss this tomorrow. We are going to need some rest. We will begin watching what those City Guards do on a daily basis.”
            “Thank you. I trust this will work out.”

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Hero Factory MOC: Aleck

This is Aleck, the Stray that Sheer was seen "Conspiring" with.
He is a loyal partner of Sheer, since she has been banished. They now are working together to survive. Thankfully, he has a Hatch where he has been living since the great Breakout happened. Now, since Sheer will be living with Aleck, they will have to find some supplies to be able to survive. 
He has a Flame Sword and a piece of armor on his arm for self protection. The Flame Blade can actually be heated up to very hot temperatures. Since it can get extremely hot, there are many uses for his Blade. He was actually able to assemble the piece of armor on his arm by taking two separate pieces of armor, and put them together by melting them into one by using his Flame Blade.
For more, Click the Link below:

Monday, December 10, 2012

The Good Traitor, Part 2

The Good Traitor (Part Two)
              Drack opened one of the sliding doors and put Sheer where the supplies or weapons would have gone. Fortunately for Sheer, the space was empty, so there wasn’t anything to make the ride out of the City uncomfortable, except for the hand cuffs, of course. Drack then closed the sliding door.
            He then walked up to the pilot side door and opened it, sat down in the seat, and started the engine of the ship, and let it warm up a little while.
After that, they were off.
During the trip, neither of them spoke for quite a while.  Even the engine of the ship seemed quieter than usual.
Then an hour later, at least it felt that way to Sheer anyway, they finally arrived to the outskirts of Makuhero City. The outskirts looked so vacant, so lonely; it looked deader than a ghost town.
“Well, we’re here,” Drack said in a deep, almost strained voice. As if there was some emotion put into it. Odd.
Sheer didn’t respond. She was at a loss of words.
Drack then got out of the pilot seat, opened the door, and stepped out. He walked over to the sliding door, opened it, and stepped inside. He released the handcuffs from Sheer’s wrists and led her out of the ship, all done with surprising gentleness. Also odd.
“Go, before anyone sees you,” Drack exclaimed, glancing around quickly. He looked a little worried.
So that’s what Sheer did. She got out of there.
“Hurry,” Drack said, just loud enough for her to hear.
Then she started running away from the ship. She didn’t know whether or not to look back.
She eventually did, but just long enough to see Drack take off in his ship, and then he was gone. Now she was alone.
She wondered, as she ran, why Drack seemed to be so gentle with her when dropping her off outside the City. He did it with surprising care.  He even spoke as if there was emotion put into it.
Did he really care for her, but didn’t let it show around the Leaders? Or was it a sudden change in feelings toward her? Maybe he planned this so she wouldn’t have to be deactivated if she was seen by another Villain.
Whatever the case was, she was still alive, and she wasn’t going to let anyone harm her.
But, what would she do for supplies? Now she had to live among the Stays. They most likely wouldn’t attack her, they would be too afraid. Maybe she should look for Aleck, the Stray she was caught talking to. Maybe he may be able to help her.
Then, that gave her an Idea.
            So, she started going to where she was supposed to meet him today. Hopefully she could find him sometime soon. She also hoped no one would see her on her way there, though. She would be killed on sight! She had to be stealthy.
She would also have to tell Aleck what happened. She hoped that he might know of a place she could stay. Hopefully he won’t have too much trouble doing that, she thought.
So, she started off to meet up with Aleck.
To Be Continued!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sheer, the Good Traitor

Here is Sheer, the main character of my second story, The Good Traitor.
She is a former Searcher, but, was found conspiring with a Stray. She was then brought before the Black Phantom, and she was banished from all Cities that the Villain Leaders have control over. Also, if she is seen by any Searchers or City Guards, they can deal with her in any way they see fit. 
Her rifle she had was a modified Basic Searcher Rifle, modified to be able to fire larger projectiles and has also been fitted with a infrared laser sight that is only she can see. 
For more, please check out the video review right here: