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Sunday, March 15, 2015

The Plan Proceeds, Part 1

            They saw the figure step into the storage building. 
            “No!” Aleck said quietly.
            Aleck signaled for the group of Strays to halt and hide.
            Aleck crept over to the entrance to the storage building, and could hear the… whatever it was… consuming the supplies like a beast who hadn’t eaten in days. It was quite strange.
He stepped closer to the entrance, and peered inside.
Aleck was astonished at what he saw. The figure looked like a Villain, but had an asymmetrical form.  It was black and had some dark grey armor on its left side, but on its right, it was white, light grey and silver, and had white spikes. The parts of its body that were white appeared much stronger compared to the darker, more natural looking side. It was a very odd sight. It looked as if its body was being mutated in very unnatural ways, which was the case.
“It’s going to consume all of the supplies if I don’t get it out of here,” Aleck thought.
But, what could he do against this beast? Could he calm it down?
Maybe, if he could stop it, or tame it, he could use it to assist him and the rest of the Group for The Plan. Just maybe.
Why was he so hungry?
Why couldn’t he stop?
What was happening to him??!
Then, his head was getting fuzzy, vision blurring, and then excruciating pain in his head. The mutagen was getting to his head! NO!!
The rubble beneath Aleck’s feet was becoming loose very quickly, and he slid and collapsed to the ground below his feet.

The beastly being heard something, then saw a form in the entrance that he made into the building.
What or who was it? He couldn’t see clearly enough to tell.
The thing inside the building saw him! NO!! This wasn’t supposed to happen!
It appeared dazed, confused, but interested, and began to run/stumble towards Aleck.
Aleck hastily got to his feet, and took off, away from the… thing.
The other two Strays saw Aleck dashing away from the entrance to the supply building and saw the strange figure chasing him.
They ran and hid in the same spot, behind some rubble, avoiding the thing’s attention. They hid on an elevated area.
Then, Jerin had an idea! He would attempt to stop the beast dead in it’s tracks, but not kill it. He only had one shot, and only moments to spare.
His plan, which he told Oran, was that they would try to hit the beast’s head, knocking it unconscious. So, they picked up a big piece of rubble, and launched it into the air, anticipating where the beast was going to be running.
Jerin yelled for Aleck to watch out, so he got out of the way, as the giant piece of rubble barreled toward the beast, collided with it’s temple, successfully knocking it out.
It fell to the ground. Stopped moving.
Oran and Jerin ran down to where Aleck was.
Aleck then said, “If we can somehow help this, I’m guessing used-to-be Villain, maybe they’ll be a useful asset for The Plan! I mean, look at its weapons.”
He was referring to the retractable blade on the mutated white side of the Villain, and the other large dagger held on the Villain’s back.
“Well....,” Oran replied. “Why would we even bother with this... monster? It looks like the result of an experiment gone wrong! We knocked it out, so we should just get rid of it, and that’ll be the end of it. Besides, if we don’t get supplies soon, you guys know that Searchers and City Guards will be patrolling the area in a short amount of time, too. Let’s just rid of this Villain, get the supplies we desperately need, and get out of here!”
“I agree with Aleck,” Jerin said, “I think he really could be a good asset to The Plan. He could be a worthy opponent to Villains, if he joined our group. Besides, I think we might be able to help him, and hopefully stop whatever is happening to him. Maybe, if we do that, he will join us!”
“That sounds like a great plan! Let’s take care of this guy, and help him heal up, or something, and maybe he will be persuaded to join us,” Aleck said in return. 
“Fine,” Oran reluctantly said, “we’ll help him out, but we gotta get outta here sometime soon. I’ve already stated why.”
So, the three Strays carried the infected Villain, hid him from sight, grabbed supplies, and got out of the area as quickly as they could. They eventually came across a health center, were able to get inside, and began their attempt to save the Villain, who they hoped would join them.
They just really hoped it would all work out.
To Be Continued!

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