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Monday, December 25, 2017

The Alliance, Part 5

When the team of Villains, led by Barah, returned to The Castle to report on their supposed killing of 3 Hunters…
The Captain of the City Guard and Searchers, who is known as The Captian, listened to the Searcher team’s report. 
Barah was concluding her oral report. “And this, Captain, is all that is left of that sorry band of Hunters.” She motioned for one of her team members to show the Captain the scorched blue armor plating they found in the wreckage of the missile blast zone. He did so.
The Captain reached out and took it in his hands, and inspected it.
“Hmmm. Are you certain this is all that was left? That there weren’t any others who saw the whole thing and got away?” The Captain asked of Barah.
“Have I ever failed a mission before, Captain?” She responded.
“That doesn’t answer my question.” He shot back.       
“I had my team search out the area thoroughly. In fact, some even went back to the scene at a later time and looked around, just in case anyone was planning to come back to see what was left of their incinerated Hunter friends. We came up with nothing.”
“Alright. Good. But, I do have something to say. And, I want to make myself clear. The Leaders did not call for a war against all Hunters. They wanted to find only the ones who killed my troopers, and terminate those ones in particular. Not all Hunters are necessarily enemies. Some might never cause a problem with us, and I don’t want to deal with unnecessary conflict. From now on, we need not engage Hunters in every circumstance. Only in cases where they are hostile towards us. If that happens, you have my personal permission to engage. But, if you see a gang walking down the street during a patrol, and they carry on or run away, let them go for now, unless otherwise instructed. Do I make myself clear?”
“Yes, Captain.” Barah said.
“Good.” The Captain then stepped toward Barah, and said in a hushed tone so that only she could hear was about to be said, “Now, if I were speaking to any other Searcher, I’d be direr with my consequence. You’re a well-respected Villain, and you’re too good to let go.” He leaned in closer, squinting his eyes slightly. “But, don’t let that get to your head.” He stepped back and looked at Barah’s squad.
“Understood.” She said, also whispering.
“Alright. I think I’ve said quite enough. Be on your way now.”  He saluted Barah, she and her squad did the same, and were dismissed.
Inside their cells, the Team Alpha Heroes looked at the screens that had come down from the ceilings. All that remained of Team Alpha were Stormer, Furno, Breeze, Rocka, Stringer, Surge, and Nex, who was now inside the Chamber. Evo died at the hands of Ahaz and Bulk fought valiantly against the mighty Anak during the Villain’s takeover of the Hero Factory, but lost. The last thing these Heroes want to see was another one of their team mates leave them.
Nex walked around, still wondering what was going on. He knew something wasn’t right. Something was wrong about this. Very wrong.
For a split second, he felt a presence off to his right, just out of the line of sight. He turned to see nothing. He did an about face, trying to see if there was someone or something behind him. Nothing. He knew there had to be something there, though. 
A bit of fear creeped into his mind. He quickly pushed it away. I can’t be frightened that easily, He thought to himself, walking towards a smashed house. Maybe he could stay here. It probably wouldn’t make him as vulnerable compared to being in the open.
He was nearing the door of the house when… It came again. That presence. It felt like it was from... behind!
He spun around. Nothing at all. All he saw was a wrecked city. A building that looked like it could collapse any day now.
The machine kept its eyes locked on Nex from the shadows, moving to and fro. There was no sign that its target, Nex, was aware of its presence. As soon as the target entered the house it was heading into, Decim8r walked into a big building that looked very unstable. He then looked up at the ceiling and saw what it was looking for. 
Nex saw a chair under a bunch of clutter, and decided to clear it off and rest for a little while. Finally, something better than a cement floor and metal beds! He sat down and relaxed a bit. He tried his hardest, but couldn’t keep from closing his eyes. He felt a sudden sense of tiredness. Wow. He thought. I never thought a chair like this would be so comfy.
Nex’s eyes shot open, frightened at the sound he just heard. He tore towards a window to see the cause of the noise.
“Oh No!” He exclaimed.
The Heroes in their cells saw everything Nex saw. They were all scared for Nex too.
The Alliance was gathered together once again, also having the rest of their crew who were in The Hatch listen and watch their meeting on a video call. It was the only video call system they had set up, but it was thanks to Oran’s handy work.
Jerin stood before everyone and the camera feeding to the Hatch.
“Alright.  I hope everyone is rested up. Now that we have the new Square system set up, and radar surrounding our posts, we can begin the next major phase of The Plan: setting up underground tunnels to save and release families for the Villain’s cities. We’ll start by targeting smaller cities, without as large of security teams. Having scouted many areas over time, thanks to our wonderful and brave scouting teams, our first place will be a city east of here. We have to do it slowly, that way these Villains won’t notice.
Now, these tunnels cannot start in our hideouts. They must be a distance from here, just in case a Villain discovers our tunnels. For security reasons. We’ll have to make a way to seal them off from both sides, that way the tunnels are not so easily accessible. Now that everyone is here, you all are free to pitch ideas about how this will work.”
The Alliance carried on for quite a while. Having many present at this meeting provided quite a few viewpoints and perspectives. Bouncing the ideas off of a lot of bots helped in making a more concrete plan of action, having covered ways to deal with different scenarios. It went quite smoothly. They would soon begin the next phase.
Days after the meeting between Drack and Cain with the Fire Lord and Witch Doctor…
Cain was driving the patrol vehicle today.
“Hmmm. Still no sign of any dangerous Hunters.” Cain said.
“Nope. I haven’t heard anything from The Captain.” Drack said.
Drack’s mind suddenly went to a thought of Sheer. He hadn’t thought about her in a while now. Hmm… He wondered. It must have been because he was thinking about bots who were against the Leaders. He was slightly surprised he hadn’t seen her anywhere. Ever. But, because he always had Cain with him on patrols, he never had the chance to look for her.
“Hey! I think I see something!” Cain said. He slowed the cruiser down. “Is that what I think it is?”
“Whaaa…” Drack shook his head, clearing it. “What is it?”
As soon as he asked the question, it was answered for him.
“A Stray!” Cain said.
“Alright. Pull ahead a little further. Once we park, we’ll try to intercept the bot.”
Cain did just that.
Drack picked up the Searcher communicator, pressed the talk button and then said, “There has been a potential Stray sighting. My partner and I are attempting to engage. Here are my coordinates.” He named them off. “Get here as soon as you can. Over and out.”
The receiver beeped and a voice came from it saying, “Copy that. Back up is on the way.” Another voice said, “We hear you. We’re heading your direction as well. Over.”
The two Searchers took off toward where they saw the Stray last, inside a house. They exited the patrol vehicle, and brandished their rifles. They were nearing the house they saw the Stray in.
“Okay. Listen carefully. The Stray may know we were coming back for him. So, I’ll go around this side of the house while you go around the other. I will enter through the front. You stay outside, just in case he tries to make a run for it. Maybe we can catch him in his attempt to escape.”
“Good plan.” Cain said. “Let’s do it.”
So, Cain circled around the back of the house as Drack circled the front. He looked around and stayed as quiet as possible. He ducked under a window to avoid being seen.
The front door was only a couple of steps away now. 
He entered the house.
“Okay. I know you’re in here. Come on out. You can make this easy for the both of us and just come towards my voice and turn yourself in. I promise not to hurt you, if you do that for me.”
“Don’t make me use force.”
He stepped further in.
“Come on out!” He called as he entered a hallway with three doors.
He opened one of the doors, and turned on his flashlight. Nothing in that one.
He stepped in front of the second door and waited. He then called, “If you have some sort of weapon, I’ll have no choice but to use force against you!”  He cocked his gun slowly, intentionally. Click… click.
He connected the light to his rifle and pushed the door open. Still nothing.
He entered the hallway again.
“I’ll give you one last chance! Come on out, unarmed, and I won’t hurt you. You have my word!”
He waited a moment. The house was quiet.
He walked in front of the third door, adrenaline starting to rush.
He kicked the door open. Smash!
There was the Stray, sitting in a corner of the dark room. The only room in the house without a window.
“Come on out, and keep your hands where I can see them.”
The Stray sat there, scared.
“Did you hear me? Get up, I said!”
He got up and stepped toward Drack.
“Hands in the air.” The Stray put his hands up. “Alright. Stand right there. Your hands are to remain up!” He pulled up the small com link from his belt. “Alright Cain, I have the Stray right here. Come on in. I have him in a room. I’m cuffing him right now.
The Stray followed all of Drack’s orders as he cuffed him.
Drack noticed Cain had not responded.
“Hey, Cain, I now have him cuffed. He didn’t put up a fight. I’m taking him to our cruiser now.”
No response still.
“Say,” Drack said to the Stray, “How have you been able to survive for so long?”
“I just found enough to get by,” he responded.
The Searcher and Stray stepped outside.
“I’m impressed. Thank you for not putting up a fight. That would have been a very bad choice. By the way, what might your name be?”
“My name is Brey.”

To Be Continued in Part 6

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