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Wednesday, June 20, 2012

New Bionicle MOC! The War Lord!


 Hey everyone! I know I haven't posted a video on my main YouTube Channel lately, but I have been uploading videos on another Channel called the epicmocers.
    So, this is the War Lord!
 He was once a warrior in a great army, one of the best in the battle field. Everyone wanted to be on his Squad. He was that good. But, one day, during a battle, him and his Squad were ambushed by their enemies, and everyone in his squad was killed, except for the War Lord. He was then taken to the Enemy Base and was then interrogated because the enemies wanted information. But, he kept his mouth shut. So, the enemies tortured him, but he still didn't say a word.
Eventually, the enemies got so tired of him, they mutilated and killed him. 
Then, years later, a person known as the Spark found what was left of him, and tried to reassemble the body. But, when that didn't work, because of the lack of body parts left, the Spark created completely robotic limbs and other body parts to take place of the parts that were missing. 
After the Spark brought the War Lord back to life, he could remember very little, other than the events that led to his death. So, the Spark gave him the name, the War Lord. Soon after the Spark brought the War LOrd back to life, he said "Pain is weakness leaving the body". This is pretty much both of theirs moto now. 
The Spark then sent the War Lord on a mission to destroy the weak and keep the strong. So, that is what the War Lord now does. He destroys anyone who he considers weak. 

I will go into more detail about different things in the Video:

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