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Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Bioinicle MOC Fire Fish

This is the Fire Fish! It is a small fish that is pretty spiky! It is sometimes seen in schools, but some tend to swim alone. It has a spike on it's head that, by contact, creates a painful burning sensation wherever it touches you. It usually uses it on predators that may try to eat it. It doesn't really do any damage to you at all, It eventually goes away though. It's not known exactly how long it lasts, but people say it may take up to an hour before the burning goes away! But since it's such a small fish, it usually doesn't take that long.
 It also has camouflaging abilities, something like Cuttle Fish, and usually Hides on the sea floor, but sometimes it hides in seaweed for protection. This little fish can be a little Feisty at times. So predators, beware! The only pert of the Fire fish that isn't protected by spikes, is it's underbelly. That's usually what predators go for though. Thats why Fire Fish tend to swim low to the sea floor.

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